Archive for the ‘All’ Category

Apple’s iPhone Response Is Like A Boyfriend Who Doesn’t Know How To Apologize

Apple’s response to the iPhone 4 fiasco is reminiscient of a guy who is obviously in the wrong, but doesn’t want to admit fault to his girlfriend.  Instead he’d rather offer excuses, justify why he thinks he did nothing wrong, and point fingers at everyone else but himself.

I held off on commenting about this situation for the past 2 weeks because I thought Apple should be given time to address problems on a phone that’s been out for less than a month.  However, after listening to their official press conference response, I am once again left with disappointment in a company I used to have great respect for.  Honestly, Apple could have come out smelling like a rose if they had just issued a statement acknowledging the antenna problem, that they were doing everything they could to fix it, and that they will provide a temporary free solution in the form of a case.  That would have been the classy thing to do, and everyone would have respected them for it.

However, Apple instead chose to shy away from admitting fault and tried to divert our attention away from the problem with comments like these…
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My Gear (HEADPHONES): Monster Beats By Dr. Dre

Monster is notorious for overcharging for products that are the same, if not lower quality than competitors’.  So when these headphones first came out, I thought they were all hype.  But that all changed when I happened to demo them in Fry’s one day.

Here’s what I like…
1.  super comfortable on my ears
2.  music sounds amazing (you can feel the music if that makes any sense)
3.  collapsible design (so you can stow them on the go)
3.  detachable cord (so if I accidentally yank the cord and break it, the headphones aren’t useless…i can just go replace the cord)
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Free Audiobooks. Great for the daily commute.

Free audiobooks can be found scattered on the net or even at your local library.  Here’s a great site to download audiobooks in mp3 or audiobook format.

Facebook. The product of lying, cheating, and stealing?

Need another reason to boycott Facebook?

There’s no denying that Mark Zuckerberg has accomplished a huge feat with one of the largest social networks in the world.

But at what cost?  I guess things like this are common in the business world, but do we really want our friends and family connected by something that started this way, not to mention all our personal information at this guy’s mercy?  If this story proves true…I don’t.

Here’s some quotes from the alleged story…

1.  “We can talk about that after I get all the basic functionality up tomorrow night.”
(Mark was allegedly recruited  to build a site.)
2.  “They made a mistake haha. They asked me to make it for them.”
(Mark allegedly stalled on the development of the site, while he developed his own site.)
3.  “I’m going to f*** them.”

There’s also this…
Mark apparently hacked into the email accounts of Harvard Crimson editors using data obtained from Facebook logins.

Gizmodo reports the full story.

Where Did All My Hard Drive Space Go?? Find out.


Nothing Fancy.  Just a breakdown of the folders on your computer that are taking up the most space.

Share Your Phone’s Internet Connection With Your Computer

Your computer only has internet access at home or on public Wi-Fi.  But your phone has internet access anywhere! Why not share your phone’s internet connection with your computer?

This is called tethering.

There are many tethering solutions (some free, some paid), but PDAnet is the easiest/fastest one I’ve used that doesn’t require hacking of any kind.  It’s a bit pricey at $30(one time fee), but I think it’s totally worth it.  I was amazed at how fast the connection was…usually as fast or faster than my home Wi-Fi.

Use A Universal iTunes That Syncs With ANY DEVICE

Need to sync multimedia content(music, photos, videos) to a device besides an iPod?

Double Twist gives us an awesome iTunes alternative that works with virtually ANY DEVICE (Blackberry, Android, PSP, etc).

Transfer Shows From Your Tivo To Your Mac, iPod, Phone, Etc.

Want to get shows from your Tivo to your Mac, iPod, or phone?

Introducing iTivo.

Travelocity Desktop App Automatically Updates You On Price Drops

Arranging travel plans?  Save yourself the headache of constantly searching for price updates.

Travelocity Desktop App will do it for you.

Rename A Bunch Of Files At Once

Want to change a list of files like this:                 Into this:?
DCIM0001.jpg                                                         YukiBday0001.jpg
DCIM0002.jpg                                                         YukiBday0002.jpg
DCIM0003.jpg                                                         YukiBday0003.jpg
DCIM0004.jpg                                                         YukiBday0004.jpg
DCIM0005.jpg                                                         YukiBday0005.jpg
…                                                                            …

Name Changer makes it easy.

Name Mangler is another good alternative.

Rescue Accidentally Deleted Photos From Camera Memory Cards

Accidentally erase or format your camera’s memory card with pictures still on it?  You may be in luck.  Exif Untrasher to the rescue.

Batch Download Tagged Photos of You and Friends From Facebook

Have friends that never remember to send you pictures they promised?  But somehow they always manage to get them up on facebook?

Now you can download tagged pics of you and your friends with Photograbber.

Download an entire Picasa Album (instead of 1 pic at a time)

Sick of downloading photos 1 at a time from picasa?
Grab an entire album with Picasa Album Downloader.
Install, run, and it’ll let you select what album you want to download to a folder on your computer.


What’s this blog about?

–>to share with you things that have made my life easier, better or more interesting, in the hope that it may somehow make your life easier, better or more interesting.  =)  What is posted here will be a combination of original content and news collection from other websites.